“Pavement contractors buy the same materials and utilize the same suppliers. What sets APEX PAVEMENT SOLUTIONS above the rest is the people and the equipment. Best in Class workers using state-of-the-art equipment to perfom the work, that’s what makes the difference.” – Brian Pike, President
Apex is proud to have received a certificate of recognition for outstanding support to the Wounded Warriors Project.

Apex strives to provide high-quality asphalt construction and maintenance to Denver and Front Range property owners and managers. We are dedicated to providing our products and services in a superior, customer-oriented manner by our experienced and knowledgeable team members. Apex Pavement Solutions promotes a positive business environment resulting in exceptional performance through innovation, teamwork and professionalism.

Apex Pavement Solutions, LLC is a member of the Colorado Pavement Association, Denver Metro BOMA and Golden Chamber of Commerce.

Apex is proud to have received a certificate of recognition for outstanding support to the Wounded Warriors Project.
Asphalt Vehicle on Road - Apex Pavement Solutions



    607 10th St. Ste. 207 Golden, CO 80401

    [email protected]

    Office – 303.273.1417

    Fax – 303.216.0565